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[HLV] | Asukai Tsurugi



finally got around to making a kid so
finger guns

█ Character Information: The Basics and Medical Information:

Ninja Registration Number:  
Full Name: Asukai, Tsurugi
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 21, born on January 11th
Height in CM: 190cm  
Weight in KG: 96kg 
Blood type: A+

Specialty: Kizoku, Intonjutsu

█ Personality Information: Likes, Dislikes, Habits and Traits:

Hobbies: repairing things, kite-flying/building kites, taking long walks, analysing historical documents, analysing patterns, puzzles 
Mannerisms: touching the tip of his nose (self-conscious about the beauty mark there), rubbing the back of his neck when embarrassed, cracking/fiddling with his wrist (location of old injury; often stiff) 
Likes: the sound of flutes, spicy foods, noodles, poetry, honesty, repairing and improving things, working with his hands, interesting stones, rivers, keeping busy, cats (though he mourns the loss of his immaculate clothing each time), WOODCARVING, the colour yellow, the sun, clouds, the number 11, shopping, repeating patterns, things that come in two's, THE MOON, kites and kite flying, politics
Dislikes: hair + fur + lint on his clothing, dirt, germs, rowdy drunks, crickets, bees, mosquitoes, socks, fried foods (excluding chicken), shrimp, being forced to talk about himself/being asked about himself, writing (never convinced his handwriting looks good enough), carrying heavy weights on his back, the number 12, rain, still dogs
Inspirations: the desire for a better future 
Life Goals: not fading into mediocrity, seeing a peaceful Tōrōgakure, more prestige and further achievements for the Asukai, getting married, running the orphanage


+ straightforward | honest | intuitive | reliable | resourceful | passionate | devoted

~ ambitious | fastidious | reserved | controlled | strong-willed | obsessive |  superstitious

- self-critical | unsympathetic | pessimistic | stubborn | inflexible | arrogant | anxious

At first glance, Tsurugi tends to come across as somewhat of a prick.  Perhaps this extends even further than the surface, as he makes no effort to deny any accusations of being arrogant or self-absorbed.  He is icy at best to begin with, acutely aware that the personality he has developed over the years makes him difficult to relate to; while he has some reservations about continuing life in this vein, he has done so thus far and wonders if it is worth the trouble to shift paths.  He is inflexible in this regard; it is incredibly hard to shift his opinion or his routines, both for himself and others. His pessimism contributes to these outlooks as well, he is generally convinced that things will never go optimally for him, and is genuinely shocked if things don't end in disaster or as previously anticipated.  He is analytical and intuitive; due to his tendency to observe rather than interact or interject, he tends to be fairly accurate in his observations about people, while simultaneously being completely wrong. While he is able to accurately isolate traits and tendencies, he often fails to realise that people are capable of change or erratic reactions, as he bases his judgments on his own rigidity.  Regardless, his analysis of personality and patterns can be invaluable in the hands of someone who has more faith in humanity or more emotional intelligence. He is stubborn in his ways and set in his own routines; he hates having to budge on anything, and getting him to concede control is an uphill battle. He is willing to listen, however, and can be swayed with evidence, though appeals to pure emotion will likely fall flat.  This tends to make him rather unsympathetic towards the plights of others when they come as a result of one’s own stupidity, but not if someone is genuinely in a bad place due to circumstances beyond their control. He does place great importance on familial and friendly bonds, and is always willing to provide counsel and support when issues with these come into play. On the flip-side, he is a bit arrogant as well; he is aware that he possesses certain valuable traits and will not downplay their value if asked.  That isn't to say that he is one to boast or go out of his way to make others aware of his skill(s), but he will not deny possessing a good trait if he does in fact possess it.

Ambition was something instilled in him by his surroundings.  He is fastidious and excellent with his hands; he quite enjoys repairing things.  Coupled with his obsessive tendencies, it contributes to a generally immaculate appearance; he is quick to notice and correct any imperfections in his own look.  He dislikes uncleanliness and takes his personal hygiene very seriously, washing his hands and feet as much as he can, along with sticking to a strict schedule of bathing.  He also keeps his gloves on most of the time, to avoid having to touch undesirable surfaces with his bare hands. He is, under a collected exterior, rather anxious, and this manifests in a variety of ways: he has a tendency to overthink and over-plan ; he checks things over and over ; he often repeats trivial or minor tasks ; he is unable to be totally still while standing or sitting ; his sleep cycles are often interrupted and he has dark circles as a result, which he attempts to hide with white powder.  He also has a host of anxiety-related habits, such as adjusting his gloves/jiggling his foot/swiping his finger against the tip of his nose (as he has a beauty spot in the middle of it, and he'd get rid of it if he could.) He is almost always in control of himself, which contributes to the anxiety; he doesn't want to leave any openings in his skill or demeanour that could be used to paint him as lesser than his peers. He is strong-willed, and tends to get through obstacles thrown in his way by sheer willpower; he is easily thrown for a loop when he faces emotional turbulence and does his best to ignore it, believing himself to be dispassionate when he is actually the opposite.  He does, in fact, feel everything very deeply, but he channels these feelings into fueling his ambition instead of acting out negatively, though he does have a few habits that one could classify as self-destructive. He does not like being questioned about himself, his emotions, or his hobbies, as he feels like he is one-dimensional and boring, and often struggles to come up with any hobbies he enjoys engaging in when put on the spot. (Confident in skills/talents? Yes. Confident in his own personality and place in people’s lives?? Not so much,,)

He is not prone to brooding or moodiness - he tends to remain in a generally "good" mood, which comes as a shock to most.  He is surprisingly patient and gentle with explanations - though he can be critical if he thinks someone is acting without thinking - and takes genuine pleasure in helping others along their path, as he believes life is meaningless without a goal to strive towards, and respects those with a goal, no matter how strange it sounds to him.  He is confident in his skill and in his strengths, and is a reliable and respectful member of society. As he enjoys working with his hands, any sort of repair project can be brought to him; he does not shy away from hard, manual labour, though he isn't particularly fond of having to wake up early to engage in it.

If he gives his word, he will abide by it, no matter how inconvenient the circumstances, as he hates lying in any form.  He views those who go back on their word as those who have no respect for the person to whom they gave their word, and disloyal people have no place in his life.  He is a bit extreme in his classifications here, though he is far more understanding of excuses that involve familial matters and will sometimes forgive the more minor things after careful debate. He is a straightforward man and does not like to beat around the bush, if he is pleased he will express it in plain terms, and vice versa.  He does not go out of his way to be critical, but he will not hold back an honest critique or expression of emotion, unless he feels that doing so will have too negative of an effect on the person in question. He is not entirely difficult to get along with, and those who are willing to accept his flaws will find a loyal, steadfast (albeit strange), and supportive friend.

tl;dr: awkward taco, kind of a jackass, can be decent sometimes  


Early childhood was largely uneventful for Tsurugi.  More tumultuous times came when his grandfather Taikyo revealed the truth about his parentage and why he had previously been unable to stay with his mother's family - he was born as the result of an extramarital affair. Tsurugi's father Takashio was consequently given an ultimatum by Taikyo: come up with an excuse and leave the clan before he caused more problems for Taikyo, or face more severe consequences for his actions.  Choosing the former, the man left the village and has not been seen or heard from since.  Tsurugi and his younger half-sister were kept in the dark about Taikyo's involvement in their father's disappearance, and believe that he just chose to leave, part of the reason why Tsurugi is such a stickler about honouring one's word and commitments.  He is rather confused about his place in his family, as he feels out of place as a bastard child of an absent father.  

While his parentage is not overtly held against him by his grandfather, Taikyo has always been more invested in the future and prospects of Tsurugi's half-sister, Tsukina, and there is an unspoken agreement between grandfather and grandson that she will always come first.  This is not to say that Tsurugi was not provided ample care and opportunity in his childhood.  His family - despite their faults - is close-knit; both siblings were raised by Yomise, and Taikyo has adopted the role of father, bringing both the children and Yomise into his own household.  The siblings are close as well, and Tsurugi is fiercely protective of his younger half-sister and his step-mother.  He generally refuses any and all contact with his biological mother, for a variety of reasons, the foremost being that he has heard rumours of her temperament, and he finds it hard to forgive her for not being present in his life, despite being present in the clan.  He also finds it exceedingly difficult to forgive her for "abandoning" him in his youth, when she handed him over to his father's family.  Along with this, given his fixation on honesty and rules, he finds the idea of anyone who would step out of a marriage or interfere in an existing marriage deplorable. 

He has a deep respect for his grandfather, and strives to be as honourable as he thinks the older man is.  Their bond is somewhat undercut by Tsukina's hold on the older man; she is fairly aware that she is the "favourite," and while she does not lord this over her brother, she does tend to monopolize her grandfather's attention.  As a result of this, Tsurugi received much of his early training and guidance from Tsukina's mother Yomise, and his own grandmother Riina.  Much of his time as a child was spent with Yomise, whether it be training or just general existence; at one time he was referred to as her shadow.  It is also believed that this attachment to Yomise contributed somewhat to his lack of emotional aptitude - he did not interact much with other children beyond his sister and cousins until enrolling in the academy.  While Yomise was the one to take on the role of a mother for him, Riina was the one who took it upon herself to teach him proper manners, proper behaviour, and what it meant to be an Asukai, in an effort to ensure that he did not turn out like her first son, his father.  While she was uptight and harsh, she was also an excellent teacher, and while Tsurugi did not necessarily appreciate her efforts in the moment, he certainly does now.   

He has been hard on himself when achievements are concerned his entire life, and left himself little downtime in his childhood, as he has an unconscious desire to repent for transgressions that are not his own.  


:bulletred:has an irrational dislike of the number 12, and an irrational like of the number 11, as he values its symmetry, and considers it lucky as he was born on the 11th of January. 
:bulletred: due to a need to keep his hands busy, and due to having long hair himself, he's surprisingly good at braiding and creating elaborate hairstyles, along with tying obscure knots 
:bulletred: has trouble relaxing, which tends to translate to stiff muscles and knots   
:bulletred: decorates most of his own clothes
:bulletred: the blotch on his nose is a birthmark/beauty spot 
:bulletred: really likes red eye-makeup
:bulletred: his nose is slightly crooked because somebody Masa [(c)Jaz-Saxx] launched him into a branch when they were children and broke it  
:bulletred: doesn't like anyone touching his hands unless he trusts them completely to be clean 
:bulletred: excels at wood carving, and can usually be found with a work in progress on him somewhere.
:bulletred: loves the moon
:bulletred: really likes kites as well, and often makes/repairs his own; he has a vast collection.
:bulletred: his ears are pierced (twice in both ears), but his earrings are generally hidden by his hair  

voice: Hiroki Yasumoto…
face: Takeshi Kaneshiro…


Asukai, Taikyo (85♂) |grandfather|
☾Asukai, Riina (84) |grandmother; deceased|
Asukai, Takashio (50♂) |father ; status unknown|
☾Asukai, Josetsu (48) |uncle|
☾Asukai, Chiasa (40) |aunt (c) @/TheArtofAytch |
Asukai, Jouichi (22) | cousin (c) @/TheArtofAytch |

Asukai, Yomise (40♀) |stepmother; father's ex-wife|
Asukai, Tsukina (18♀) |half-sister; daughter of Takashio and Yomise (c) pintado-sparrow

☾Asukai, Tatsuya (8♂) |'brother'; Yomise's son|
☾Asukai, Toshiya (41-42) | Yomise's brother (c) @/traceofhatred |
Asukai, Shinya (20) | Yomise's nephew (c) @/traceofhatred | 

Asukai, Tsuyi (49♀) |mother|
☾Asukai, Fuyumi (29) |half-sister (c) village|
☾Asukai, Jurou (29) |half-brother| (c) village|
Asukai, Yasuka (49) |aunt ; mother's sister ; (c)@/zyea |
Asukai, Minato (52) |uncle ; (c) @/zyea |
Asukai, Takuya (27) |cousin [deceased] ; (c) @/zyea | 
Asukai, Saori (22♀) |cousin ; (c) @/zyea |

Notable Relationships (non-familial)

positive (+)
☾Hitoyo, Ryota (21) | brother from another mother ; (c) @/nissanii |
☾Minawa, Chizuru (21) | childhood/best friend ; (c) @/narubuki |
☾Minawa, Tokara (21♀) | best friend/former girlfriend ; (c) @/taminki |
☾Asukai, Sougen (22) | close friend, clanmate ; (c) @/xxyorunohimexx | 
☾Asukai, Kaoru (17)  | adopted brother ; (c) @/penelopejadewing | 
☾Asukai, Hanabi (15) | daughter clanmate (c) @/suzakutrip |
☾Asukai, Karigane (15) | son bro ; (c) @/taminki | 
☾Hitoyo, Masashi (21) | childhood friend ; (c) @/jaz-saxx |
☾Asukai, Hiyori (20) | childhood friend/crush ; (c) @/tofuufufu |
☾Asukai, Hisako (19) | childhood friend ; (c) @/jinxaroni | 
☾Hitoyo, Rei (21)  | friend ; (c) @/luluopp | 
☾Migiwa, Aosa (18) | ex ; (c) @/taminki |  
☾Shirogane, Azami (21) | partner in suffering (c) @/luluopp | 
☾Hibiki, Takumi (20) | bro (c) @/luluopp |
☾Shirogane, Yashi (21) | academy friend (c) @/jaz-saxx |
☾Shirogane, Mirai (18) |friend (c) @/zyea |
☾Nakono, Shio (21) |bro (c) @/cyube |

neutral (~)
☾Asukai, Ryuuten (15♂) | ??? ; (c) @/Infinitum-Outbreak |
☾Kitsune, Teruo (22) | frenemy (c) @/luluopp | 
☾Hibiki, Moyura (20) | ??? (c) @/fouffey |
☾Aoki, Tamie (18) | ??? (c) @/fouffey |
☾Chouyou, Kaname (19♂) | ??? ; (c) @/jaz-saxx |
☾Kitsune, Akari (18♀) | ??? ; (c) @/jinxaroni | 

negative (-)
☾Kitsune, Suguro (22♂) | pain in the ass ; (c) @/fouffey | 

Previous Looks & Outfit Details


edit: guess whomst has a sister now,, 
and now a cousin

Image size
2203x3466px 8.71 MB
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